In life, we take so many things for granted. Our first step, our first bike ride without training wheels, first kiss, and then that moment when you meet the person you fall in love with and marry. Life is full of many firsts…

The one first in life you will never forget is when you hear your child’s cry after being born. That innocent cry will change your life. It’s no longer just the two of you! Life slows down and the moment you hold your child will be just as important as your first kiss as a married couple.

At Phenomenon we believe these moments don’t need to be just a memory… we can preserve every second of this phenomenal occasion!

We proudly present “The Labor of Love Collection”

Imagine having every moment of your childs birth recorded in both photos + video. Hearing the babies cry, seeing theĀ umbilicalĀ cord cut, seeing the machine read the weight of your child. We can play, pause, and rewind life.

Contact us today to learn more about our “Labor of Love Collection”

Life can have a play button

Labor and Delivery1

Newborn, Photography, Video/Films

The Labor of Love Collection: Exclusively at Phenomenon Photography
